Marketing Your Physical therapy Clinic: Maximize Your Reach

Moving out in the world of Advertising can make you feel like going on a mission in an unknown land. The providers who are running their own private practice can feel the same. Many of the PTs do not even bother thinking of advertising. Whereas the facts tell us, that up to 60 per cent […]

Moving out in the world of Advertising can make you feel like going on a mission in an unknown land. The providers who are running their own private practice can feel the same. Many of the PTs do not even bother thinking of advertising. Whereas the facts tell us, that up to 60 per cent of the potential patients search online before making up the decision of appointment.

Building a website.

Well, if you are reading this, you have finally come to terms with the significance of having an online presence. Accomplishing the task of building a website is the backbone of building a website. That is because

  • The websites help you showcase yourself in the search engine results pages through which more potential clients are able to find you.
  • If you want direct access for the patients to find you, then showing up on the search pages is a must.

If you have not formed a website till now, setting up one now is the smartest option. It must be your topmost priority.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If your patients are not able to search you on google, then having an attractive website does not mean a thing. This is where search engine optimization comes into the picture. SEO leverages Pay-per-click, Organic traffic, and social media marketing for attracting potential customers to your website.

If your website is not properly dialled in, then most of the conversions are going to suffer despite the fact of how many people you attract through advertising.

For best-case scenarios, it is essential to hire an SEO expert who can help you keep track of search ranking and make you more visible to the patients seeking your services online.

Although, for an instant improvement, there are some things you can try to improve your SEO.

  • The name of your clinic, phone number, and address is in the same place on every page of the website. It can be at the top or the bottom of your website
  • Make sure that your name and address are consistent everywhere it is appearing such as on media websites, reviews websites, or directories.
  • Make sure to include the keywords in the website copy for the search terms that you want to rank. For example, if you want to be in the search related to physical therapy in the city, then you must make sure to mention physical therapy with the city name of the website.

Meta description, page titles, and URLs

The page titles, URLs, and meta descriptions are everything your clients will see when the website will appear on a search engine. Thus all three of them must convey an accurate message that you want to deliver.

  • Page titles

The page title is the text that is hyperlinked text that is displayed at the top of the result. It explains to the searchers what the page is all about. Make sure that you keep your page title 50-60 characters long so that google does not cut them while displaying them on the results page.

Make sure to include the keyword which you want to rank.

  • Meta descriptions

Make sure that you draft your meta descriptions properly. A meta description is a group of text that is appearing below the page title. This block of text will inform the searchers of what will they find on this page. It is very important that you are putting thought into them as it is regarded as your initial sales pitch.

  • URLs

The URL stands for the Uniform resource locator. Most experts refer to it as a web address. URL is a text line that follows the “HTTP://” in the address bar of many browsers. Your URL apart from being nice and neat must explain to the customer what information is that you are withholding on your website.


Well, posting a blog on the official website of the clinic is not mandatory. But when you do it, it will attract massive profits on the ROI. The blogs and content boost the company’s reputation and increase the chances that other websites will link to yours.

This is going to improve your ranking in the search engine. It will also provide the search engine with more pages to crawl on your website. It means that there is an opportunity to match with more keywords that the users are searching for.

Blogging takes a lot of time and effort. Well, coming up with fresh ideas is a daunting task. Although, it can be simple as you want it and you are going to experience many benefits. You need to put yourself in the mindset of the patient. Figure out the questions that they ask about their health. And also what they would like to know about the services?

You can initiate with these small ideas as your patients might be searching for the same thing. There is no better place for them to find all the answers than from an expert like you.

Well, not every blog post needs to be an essay. You can even produce easy-to-use content such as-

  • FAQs
  • step-by-step Guides
  • myth-versus-fact articles
  • case studies
  • success stories

The right kind of searcher is going to land on your website with these bite-size content forms. These will not only help you generate new leads but are also going to showcase you as an authority over your patients. The more traffic your website will get, the more authoritative it will appear on the search engine.

It will help you generate more traffic just like a snowball effect.

Landing pages

The secret is out and it is no surprise that patients turn to the internet when they are searching for any health information. You want your customers to know that physical therapy is the only solution to their issues.

This is where google ads will help you broaden or narrow your search. Making them interesting enough will force the people to take action and convert. The landing pages are the specialized pages that are special web places that are made to align with every individual CTAs.

A landing page is also referred to as a page that is a standalone page that is keyword optimized. You are going to land on this page when you are clicking the links from-

  • Social media posts
  • Search engines
  • Emails and newsletter
  • Website or social media pages
  • Blog articles.

The landing is typically only accessible through a source such as a blog post, email, or ad. These pages are not regular webpage for navigation and they are hidden from regular website visitors.

Google My Business page.

There are chances that you might have searched for a local business on google before. It can be a restaurant or a healthcare provider. Well, you might have seen the google maps local pack which shows you the name of the business on the left side and their locations pin-pointed on the right side.

The ma is going to show you the business locations with the google my business page and with 97% of the consumers who are searching for the local business online. It is significant for every PT practice to have a google my business page. It will let your patient know your business’s exact location and will help them navigate to your practice.

The Pay-per-click ads

One of the major ways to advertise google is through pay-per-click ads. In the world of physical therapy marketing, the aspect of PPC is underused. Any physical therapy practice that leverage the PPC is going is massively benefitted.

The PPC ads are the paid search results that appear on the top of the Search engine results page. The main aim of the PPC for the rehab practice is to increase the patient base. In order to achieve this, you need to lure in new potential clients who will click on your ads and increase the conversions from the website and the landing pages.

In Google, you will be able to run all your PPC ad campaigns with the help of the google ads account. This is something that you might have already set up and if you have not, then you must.

There are many different ways through which you can create a useful google ads account. You need to ensure that the structure is flexible. You will be able to customize it according to the preferences of the organization.

You need to ensure that the ads that you are running are consistent with the campaigns that you have chosen.

Choose the way of social media

There is no doubt that social media covers major parts of our lives. This is why it is a major aspect of marketing for physical therapists. Today, the social media handle of any physical therapist is going to have an effect on their choice of consumers.

So, being active on social media is really significant otherwise you will be missing out a lot.

There are a lot of Physical therapists who are going to miss out on the opportunity when it comes to social media. There are many different platforms and they are many different uses. The only thing that you need to figure out is where to start.

  • Facebook.

Any organization must definitely be on Facebook. Other social platforms such as Instagram are also great for businesses. But Facebook, now known as Meta is regarded as the largest social media platform.

It is significant that you focus on most of your efforts here. Posting regularly on Facebook is going to boost your visibility on the search engine page result(SERPs). Posting creative content is a Win-Win solution as it will cost nothing but your time and bring on more potential customers.

  • Instagram

Instagram is a social network platform that is image-based. When put to use properly, it can be very effective to pull in new patients.

The videos are posted with hashtags. When you are posting exercise videos to heal leg pain, then you can use #LegPainRelief for more visibility. You will also be able to browse the hashtags. You can like the posts or pictures by the patients to engage them and bring in new patients.

The ads on Instagram are targeted the same way as on Facebook. This is because Instagram is owned by Facebook and its advertising is done through Facebook ads only.

  • LinkedIn Advertising.

You might not consider LinkedIn for promoting the practice. It is considered a digital resume. This is why most Physical therapists are missing out on the real opportunity to execute everything properly. Although, it is highly regarded as fruitful in driving new business as its target capabilities are top-notch. It will also help you develop a strategy that no other platform provides.

Content Boosting.

The posts enough are not capable enough to promote on social media. Posting relevant content is also essential. The content must be in the interests of your regular audience. For example, if you are treating a lot of patients with back pain, then the posts to alleviate the back pain are going to go well with your audience.

The better the post, the more likely it is going to engage the followers and increase your reach with it. It is also a great way to create awareness of the brand and your clinic.

It is a daunting task to gain visibility when the competition is so high. It is only possible when you are boosting your content.

Putting the money behind the posts is going to increase your reach way more than you could have achieved organically.

Have you been looking to simplify and boost your Physica therapy marketing even more?

Well, let the SmartPT online do the heavy lifting for you. Our therapy-specific marketing platform will assist in optimizing your overall web presence, building targeted landing pages, automating patient engagement through messaging, tracking conversions, and much more. The SmartPT will offer numerous tools to operate an organized clinic and prove to be an intuitive and intelligent end-to-end platform well-suited for physical therapists.

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